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 A PRESTIGE HONG KONG EXCLUSIVE Avril Lavigne Volgende onderwerp
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Ultimatum Lavigne

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1456
Woonplaats: Noord-Holland

BerichtGeplaatst: 15 Dec 2008 13:05:17 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven


Building a business empire from scratch sounds like a lifetime's undertaking. It ought to be a recipe for self-sacrifice, long, gruelling hours spent in boardrooms and constant stress.

Not for Avril Lavigne. At just 24 years old, the Canadian pop sensation is already a singer, songwriter, actor and fashion designer, and has even been ranked as the seventh most powerful Canadian in Hollywood by Canadian Business magazine. It's been a meteoric rise. Hailing from the small town of Napanee, Ontario, Lavigne began her singing career at an early age. She was signed by Arista Records on a trip to New York City aged 16. Eight years later, she has conquered the charts and toured the world, with three number-one albums under her belt, the first of which, 2002's Let Go, was certified platinum six times over. In total, she has sold more than 30 million albums and had six number-one singles.

Her clothing and accessories line, Abbey Dawn, which she designs herself, launched this year in the United States. As if that weren't enough, she's about to launch her own fragrance.

Lavigne has also made a few forays into the film industry with a series of cameo appearances, including one in the critically acclaimed Fast Food Nation. Most recently, she starred in The Flock with Richard Gere, and even lent her voice to the animated feature Over The Hedge alongside Bruce Willis, Nick Nolte and Steve Carell.

She is also heavily involved in charity work, lending her music to and promoting causes that include Amnesty International and its Make Some Noise campaign, YouthAids, the United Nations' Music Clearing Minefields auction, US Campaign for Burma, Make-A-Wish Foundation and War Child. She was even awarded a certificate of honour by the China Association of Social Workers for her contribution to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake during her recent tour of China.

In 2005 Lavigne married fellow Canadian Deryck Whibley, the lead singer and guitarist of punk band Sum 41, and currently lives in Los Angeles, where I catch up with her after her Asian tour. Highly effervescent once she breaks through her shyness, she provides some insights into the creative powerhouse that is Avril Lavigne.

You've sold 30 million albums. Your first album was certified six times platinum, your other two albums both went to number one and you've had six number-one singles. Did you ever imagine you would be this successful?

I didn't know what to expect. I feel very lucky because as a young girl, all I wanted to do was sing; that's all I dreamed about. I didn't know what I was in for, really. I had no idea it would be this big. When my first song came out I couldn't even believe [it] was on the radio. It happened right away so it was all very quick and very exciting.

Was your family always supportive of your musical career?
Yes, my parents were really supportive. My dad would make me come home from school and practise every night. They would both encourage me to play instruments like the piano and the guitar, and we had drums at home. They drove me around to all my different gigs and supported me. That's why I'm here.

Were your parents musical?
My dad sings and plays guitar. He played when he was in high school, and just recently he started up again in his church. And my sister is a singer now.

What were your musical influences growing up?

I listened to CCR [Creedence Clearwater Revival], The Beatles and The Beach Boys a lot. I loved The Beach Boys. That was the tape that was always playing in the family vehicle on our vacations. When I got into music and had money and was able to buy my own CDs, I got into Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill, Blink-182, Green Day and all the local punk bands.

When you were 14, you won a competition to sing with Shania Twain on her first major tour. How did that feel? My dad heard on a radio station that there was a contest to submit a tape of yourself singing her songs, so he had me do that. I recorded one of her songs and I won. I was 14 and went onstage in Ottawa at an arena called the Corel Centre in front of 20,000 people. I walked onstage and she introduced me. It was a very magical moment walking out and looking out there at all these people and singing in front of everyone. All I could think was, "I want to do this so bad." Three years later, I had my own concert there ? sold out.

Were you nervous?

I was just really calm and very excited. I never get nervous. If I had to do a class speech or get up in front of people, I'd get nervous, but when I sing onstage, I don't get nervous because I'm very comfortable within and I've been singing all my life. I'm a very shy person so when I have to talk in a big group or with people I don't know, I'm really quiet.

So you're most comfortable when singing?
Yes, and it's like that for a lot of people. I'll go out onstage and be really loud and jump around. I'm like that with my music and in my videos. When people meet me, they expect me to be the loud one in the room. Because they've watched you on TV they expect a lot, but when they meet me they say, "You're so quiet and you're so little."

You were signed to Arista Records at 16. Did it feel daunting being on such a big label so young?

I didn't know what was going on! I went to New York, I was 15 [and] a producer saw a videotape of me. I was in the studio for the first time. I had written a song and he was tweaking it for me. It's called Why and it's on the Internet. The next day, people came to me and said, "LA Reid has heard that you're in town and wants to come hear you sing." I said, "Who's LA Reid?" and they said, "He's the president of Arista Records. He could give you a record deal." I told them okay, and he came to the studio. It was probably my second day in the studio ever, and also in New York City. He signed me on the spot. He said, "Wow, I had such a bad day, and you just made the sun come out; I haven't heard a voice this good in so long." He left and someone from the record company took me and my parents out to dinner at the [World Trade Center] Twin Towers. There was a huge celebration. I didn't have to do what a lot of bands do, going through the process of making a demo and shopping it around to labels and having meetings. People heard about me in my small town and I made a name for myself. It got to a producer in New York City and it was great.

Was it a struggle at first?
I got signed and moved to New York. I left my parents and got a chaperone. I was trying to figure it all out. I was so young and I was writing my songs and working with other writers. Every single one of my songs has been written or co-written by me. They thought, "Of course, she's so young, people will write for her." I had recorded a few songs and I didn't end up liking them because they weren't me. So I was like, "I want to write," and I'm so thankful that LA Reid believed in me and let me write at that young an age. So I spent a year in New York working on my album with different people and then went to LA for two months. It was a long process because I was experimenting and learning at the same time.

Did you ever feel sad about having to be away from your family for long periods?
No. I just remember calling my friends and laughing at them because they had to do exams and I didn't. They said, "You're so lucky," and I was like, "I just hope my record works out."

Did you ever feel that your early success caused you to miss out on some of your childhood?

That's a question I get asked a lot. I didn't graduate from high school because I left early. I got a chance to live my dream. I feel so lucky to have had an amazing opportunity: to dress up for photo shoots, go on red carpets and go to movie premieres. I don't feel I missed out on anything: I'm from Canada, I'm from a small town, I cut grass and shovelled driveways and babysat and cleaned houses and I lived a normal life. I played sports in the summer and winter, baseball and hockey on teams. I'm thankful that I had all those experiences to keep me grounded. Today I know where I come from and what the real world is. I don't get caught up.

What are the drawbacks of success?
The only bad thing would be negativity and judgement. You know how people paint a picture and say things, or someone will write on the Internet, "She did this, she did that" and I didn't. Little things like that are the only things. That's why I don't let it get to me. Because everything else is such an experience and so fun.

You've had number ones in Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Hong Kong. Are you surprised that Asia has been such a big market for you?

I feel really lucky because Asia is the biggest market. It's so far from home and it's like a different world over there. Going to Japan is always such a treat. They're so precious over there and they have so much respect for me. My trips are always so enjoyable.

You were the first major Western artist to tour China extensively. How was that?

I was honoured and I couldn't believe it. I was the first one to take my tour in most cities there. It was really cool. I played at a festival . . . where all the Chinese musicians play. I was the first Western artist there and you could tell everyone looks at you differently and they're excited. It was really special.

You went to Hong Kong last year. How did you enjoy that?
Hong Kong was great. I put on a show there and I was told before I went onstage that for most people in the audience it was their first concert. I was like, "Wow, I better put on a good show then!"

You've also designed your own clothing and accessories line, Abbey Dawn. Was that something you always dreamed of?
For a very long time. I wanted to do a clothing line and I wanted to do it right, so I took my time. I'm a businesswoman now. I have to take meetings and make smart decisions. I had lots of offers I turned away because I wanted to do more than a licensing deal. I want to own my company and be involved and have this thing go on for years. Now that I'm home from touring, I go to the office every Wednesday and work closely with the creative team there. I'm having so much fun. I can just think, "Hey, I want a bright neon-blue hoodie with hot-pink skulls everywhere," and it can happen! When I see the actual hoodie, it makes me really happy. It's so cool.

Talking of fashion, how did you like dressing in couture for this photo shoot?
I did this project today because Mark Liddell is a good friend of mine, and also one of my favourite photographers. He asked me, "Is there anything you've ever wanted to do in a photo shoot that you've never done?" And I said, "I've always wanted to look like a porcelain doll." I asked him if we could make a set with a hardwood floor and I would sit against the wall in a corner with a bunch of other dolls. He made it all happen. Jessica [Paster, the stylist] pulled the Chanel dresses and all the high-end stuff. I wanted to take all those dresses home! They were so cool. The last one I wore was purple and I was kind of hinting that I wanted it. I was like, "How much is a dress like this?" and they said, "15 grand." I said, "Never mind!"

You also have a perfume coming out. How involved are you in that? Did you choose the scent yourself?
I don't know if I can tell you the name because no one knows it yet. [I chose] the bottle, the font and the fragrance. I sat down and had so many meetings. You'd think you'd have to do one meeting, right? No. They sat down and asked me what I love. I said, "I love pink and stars." What's really great about my perfume is that there is a message there about reaching for the stars and following your dream. I'm writing the commercial concept and it's also really fun. I love making music and I've been doing it for seven years . . . But I want to do more. I'm very visual and very hands-on. I love fashion and things I can enjoy that keep me busy. It's a lot of fun. I'm excited to have these new projects coming out. Two years ago, the last time I was in the studio, I was like, "I want to do a clothing line! I want to do movies!" and there were all these things I wanted to do. It can't happen just like that, so I worked really hard to get here. Finally my clothes are in the store. Everything takes a while.

It's very unusual for someone so young to be involved in as many charities as you are. Do you see that as part of your responsibility as a public figure?

Definitely, and it's a perfect way to give back. I love to work with Make-A-Wish Foundation, and any time anyone has a wish, I'm so there. We hang out, we go to lunch, [they] come backstage at a show, whatever. I love putting my songs on [charity] compilation albums. Anything I can do. It's important to me, definitely.

You received an award for your contribution to the relief effort after the Sichuan earthquake. Did that make you proud?
It was really cool that they gave me an award because they didn't have to. The earthquake was obviously very devastating and I was bringing my world tour there to China, so I wanted to help out and contribute. Some of the proceeds went toward that.

You also appeared in the movie Fast Food Nation. Do you feel strongly about the issues it raised?

I feel it's important for everyone to be aware of what goes into our food and how animals and workers are treated. I thought it was a really great project to be a part of. And I wanted to be involved with it because it has a good director [Richard Linklater].

Did they come to you for the part?
No, I had to audition! [laughs]

Do you see yourself doing more acting?
I've only done small parts right now. Before I did a big role I wanted to do a couple of films just to see what it was like to be on a set, how it works and how it all comes together. Now I get it and I never want to do a small part again. I want to do a big part now. That's my next goal.

Which film did you enjoy most?
I enjoyed Over The Hedge because it was an animated film. I didn't have to be onscreen or memorise lines; I was just in the studio. It was a lot of fun playing the character of the possum. I enjoyed Fast Food Nation because I had six or seven scenes, not just one. I did it because I really wanted the experience. Now I feel ready.

Is there anything you're working on now?
I have a script I'm supposed to read right now. I just met with my agent and we are getting things going. My plan is to find something great and to have that happen in the next year. I've been really picky when I've had offers to do movies. I've liked the scripts, but I really want to do a good job, so it has to speak to me. I have to be like, "This is it."

How do you cope with all the paparazzi and media attention?
I stay away from trendy streets. I go out occasionally with my girlfriends to clubs. I do my best here in LA to keep to myself. You kind of learn the areas where paparazzi hang out so I just don't go there.

Where would you take your dream vacation?
I've always wanted to go to Fiji or Tahiti and stay in a hut on the water. I really haven't gone on that many vacations. I've been to Hawaii and went to the Amalfi Coast on my honeymoon, and that was about it. I go to Vegas a lot!

If you'd had to choose a non-creative profession, what do you think you'd have been?
If I was still living in Napanee and hadn't experienced this whole lifestyle, I think I could have been a cop. But I'm also a great hairdresser. I can style people, I can do make-up, all that stuff. I cut all my friends' hair, I cut my band's hair, my mom's and sister's hair, and I always do their make-up when they come over. Everyone always says I'd be good at that. My stylists all laugh at me because I just take over and do half of it myself."

Credit: Prestige Hong Kong November 2008 The Cerebral Sex Symbol

Zie topic: fotoshoots voor de foto's die hier bij horen..
De foto's van: Prestige Magazine

Avril Lavigne, you rock girl!!
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Geplaatst: 15 Dec 2008 13:05:17 Terug naar boven

Site Admin

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1896
Woonplaats: Schijndel

BerichtGeplaatst: 15 Dec 2008 19:59:05 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

Gaaf interview!! Erg leuke dingen en ze werkt ook aan een nieuwe film!

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Ultimatum Lavigne

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1456
Woonplaats: Noord-Holland

BerichtGeplaatst: 15 Dec 2008 21:17:26 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

ja leuk intervieuw he, vond ik ook al!!
Ik ga hem uitprinten voor in me plakboek Embarassed Wink

Avril Lavigne, you rock girl!!
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Site Admin

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1896
Woonplaats: Schijndel

BerichtGeplaatst: 16 Dec 2008 17:45:01 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

Cool! Je moet een keer fotos maken van je plakboek Very Happy Ben wel benieuwd!

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Ultimatum Lavigne

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1456
Woonplaats: Noord-Holland

BerichtGeplaatst: 16 Dec 2008 21:41:48 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

oke, maar die me moeder heeft gemaakt is echt een scrapboek..!
Kheb er ook 1tje van me zus gehad, heeft ze ook voor me gemaakt!
en dat van mij is gewoon plaatjes plakken.. hihi.. Embarassed
daar heb ik er nu 2 van.. Very Happy ben met de 3de bezig Wink

Avril Lavigne, you rock girl!!
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Site Admin

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1896
Woonplaats: Schijndel

BerichtGeplaatst: 20 Dec 2008 10:07:48 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

Cool, dan heb je ook wel echt alles bij elkaar Very Happy Das leuk!!

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Ultimatum Lavigne

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1456
Woonplaats: Noord-Holland

BerichtGeplaatst: 22 Dec 2008 15:50:30 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

Ja idd!! en ik moet nog zoveel inplakken!! hihi...
ben k nog wel ff mee bezig!! Shocked
haha.. Razz

Avril Lavigne, you rock girl!!
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Site Admin

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1896
Woonplaats: Schijndel

BerichtGeplaatst: 22 Dec 2008 21:05:02 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

Ja ik geloof goed dat het indd enorm veel werk is!
En het is ook nooit af :p Er komt altijd weer meer bij Very Happy

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Ultimatum Lavigne

Geregistreerd op: 29 Jun 2008
Berichten: 1456
Woonplaats: Noord-Holland

BerichtGeplaatst: 22 Dec 2008 21:17:04 Reageren met citaatTerug naar boven

haha.. ja klopt hoor!!
Maar das wel super leuk!!
K heb me boeken nu gepost,
dus kan je het een beetje zien Wink

Avril Lavigne, you rock girl!!
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